Why union members should vote Republican?

Why Union Workers Should Vote Republican

By Kevin Tracy

So, why should a hypothetical union guy, let’s name him Jack, vote Republican?

Well, let’s summarize the prevailing wisdom of many Democrat union voters. Union Jack certainly knows why he SHOULDN’T vote Republican. Republicans are union-busting, anti-labor politicians corrupted by enormous amounts of big business money. Plus, his labor union gives a large amount of money to Democratic politicians and spends a lot of resources in getting Democrats elected. As a result, the Democrats are the pro-labor and anti-big business party.

There is nothing more Republican or American than men and women working together for the advancement of their country and themselves as individuals.

There is nothing more Republican or American than men and women working together for the advancement of themselves as individuals.

First, let’s discuss the union busting. Conservatives have earned a reputation for union busting and it is fairly deserved. Republican politicians have picked a lot of REALLY stupid battles with labor unions historically and now. I personally consider myself a pro-union Republican – not because I always agree with unions, but because I see them as having been responsible for two things. First, and most obviously, the creation of the American middle class. Even though I don’t have a union job, I probably wouldn’t be paid anywhere near where I am now (even if you consider inflation) without unions fighting for better work conditions and higher wages over the last 120 years. Secondly, because the creation of the middle class in the 20th Century prevented the Communist Party of the United States from becoming a serious domestic political force; likely saving our Constitution and economic freedoms or at the very least enabling us to win the Cold War. So I will be the first to admit that many of our Republican leaders are putting ideology before the lessons of history when it comes to labor unions.

Many, but not all. Union Jack may be surprised to learn that the great Kevin Tracy is not the only pro-Union Republican. Many Republican officials are just as pro-union as I am. The problem is that the Republican Party’s leaders and candidate platforms aren’t going to adjust while people like Union Jack and his Union brothers and sisters are voting in Democrat primaries. Union Jack actually can have a say in where the Republican candidates stand on unions, but he NEEDS to get involved in the Republican Party.

So now that we’ve established that the Republican Party isn’t entirely anti-Union, it makes sense to address the myth that Republicans are anti-Labor (and that Democrats are pro-Labor). At face value, it is very easy to see how Union Jack can perceive Republicans as anti-Labor. We oppose raises in minium wage, we protect business owners from frivolous law suits, and the list goes on. Democrats on the other hand are eager to raise wages, encourage law suits, etc. However, I would implore Union Jack to ask himself, “What does it mean to be pro-labor?”

The phrase has been overused and abused in recent years, but businesses create jobs and as long as rich people own businesses, rich people will use those businesses to create jobs. Do Republicans bend over backwards to help these businesses with tax breaks and other incentives? Yes. We do that so they can maintain their profit margins and not have to lay off workers. In good economic conditions, this also enables businesses to invest in themselves by creating more jobs and hiring more workers, regardless of whether they are union or non-union employees.

If we can sustain a friendly enough business environment, it is possible business owners across the country will create a surplus of jobs. When that happens, wages will go up and upward mobility becomes increasingly possible as companies begin competing for the best workers. I have always been confused by those who call Republicans anti-labor. REPUBLICANS ARE PRO-LABOR because they want you to be able to find a job. Republicans want you to have employment options. The last thing any Republican wants is for Union Jack to collect welfare. It’s a drain on businesses, the economic resources (buying power) of the American taxpayer, and makes it that much more difficult to get government spending under control.

Meanwhile, Democrats are undermining the American business owner’s ability to make a profit on his or her investment. Even worse, Democrats are undermining the economic power of the American worker. This will probably come as a surprise for Union Jack.

We often hear about Democrats opposing tax hikes on the poor in favor of taxing the wealthy (defined as individuals making $250,000+ per year). At face value, that seems like Democrats are helping the poor at the expense of the wealthy. If we examine this more closely though, we can see that this is actually BAD for every American. Union Jack, like almost every American citizen, is a consumer. His quality of life is determined not by how much money he makes, but the purchasing power of the money he earns. If Democrats tax business owners, the business owners aren’t going to make any less money because they will pass that expense on to the consumer, or Union Jack in this instance.

For example, let’s say Union Jack takes home $50,000 a year and is paying $15,000 for his mortgage, $5000 for his car, $20,000 for gas and electricity, and $10,000 on miscellaneous bills and necessities (it equals $50,000). Democrats then give Union Jack a tax cut. As a result, Union Jack is now taking home $55,000 a year. At face value, that seems great. However, Democrats want to make up the revenue by taxing business owners. Businesses then respond by raising their prices to make up for the extra money they have to pay in taxes. As a result, gas and electricity cost more. The price of Union Jack’s energy goes up from $25,000 to $28,000. Those miscellaneous things like cable and food also become more expensive as a result, going from $10,000 to $13,000 (everything now costs $56,000).


Even worse, when Union Jack needs to buy a new car, that new car is going to cost him significantly more than what he was paying before. He can save money by buying used; which is one less car being manufactured. When demand for vehicles falls across the country, auto-workers get laid off. When workers stop getting pay checks, they stop buying things. When people stop buying things, demand for things begins to fail, profits drop and workers making things get laid off. When they get laid off, they stop buying things, too. In time, these people lose their homes and house values plummet. If Union Jack ever needs to sell his home, he’s probably not going to get what he paid for it. In other words, his home is no longer worth the $15,000 a year that he’s paying for it.

Of course, this assumes Democrats actually gave Union Jack a tax cut to begin with. That almost never happens. History has proven that Democrats would increase taxes on businesses and leave Union Jack’s middle class tax rate alone. So Union Jack is still making $50,000 a year but his expenses would climb from $50,000 to $56,000.

The question needs to be asked: “Why are Democrats considered PRO-LABOR?” They are making workers across the United States increasingly weaker by taking away their purchasing power.

So, back to the original question. Why should a union worker vote Republican?

1. The tax policies of the Republican Party economically empower workers.

2. The Republican Party’s “business friendly” tax structure creates an environment where employers are more eager to hire workers and compete with one another for the best workers by offering better wages and higher positions.

3. Republicans never want you to be in a position where you have to be on welfare.

4. The incredibly talented Kevin Tracy is a Republican.

5. Unfair union-busting practices will end if union workers begin voting for pro-union Republicans in Republican Primaries.

6. Democrats love to tax. They want to tax you for every mile you drive on top of the gax tax you already pay. This will lower your buying power even more.