Unions have Problems

  • Unions create an “us versus them” culture within companies, instead of putting
    everyone on the same team.
  • They create a culture of entitlement.
  • They restrict flexibility and hurt competitiveness.
  • They drive companies to move jobs out of the country, to places where there are no unions.
  • They can become career employment for their leaders, who sometimes pay themselves better than the workers they’re representing.
  • They maintain ludicrous compensation and benefit levels for jobs based purely on seniority and not quality or quantity of work
  • They force companies to treat all union employees equally, regardless of the relative skill and value of particular employees — thus reducing incentives for people to do a great job.
  • A union worker cannot get rewarded for going above and beyond or doing an exceptional job.
  • Many times a bad employee gets protection when that person should be fired.
  • Union thugs used racial slurs against Clint The Hot Dog Guy In Lansing
    giving unions a reputation of violence.
  • Violence has become common place with unions rather than winning people over with kindness and reasoning.   Clint Traver Called Racial Slurs by Union  Thugs