1) One of the most important things that a union does is protect employees from the whims of management.
2) In a non-union shop an employee can be fired at any time for any reason, or even no reason. Management may have had a bad day at home and the employee could pay the price.
3) Often when workers try to form a union management will make some improvement to convince people that we don’t need to join together into a union. When the union talk dies down, management eventually goes back to their old ways. Without a written legally binding contract, any improvements can be taken away.
4) Having a union means companies have to treat workers better
5) Unions protect workers from favoritism, but don’t allow rewards for better work.
6) Shutting down operations to avoid a union is against the law. Plus, it doesn’t make sense, as it would lead to financial losses.
7) It’s also illegal to punish workers for supporting a union. Employers don’t make these threats directly because they know it’s unlawful to do so.
8) Unions created the middle class in the 20th Century So I will be the first to admit that many of our Republican leaders are putting ideology before the lessons of history when it comes to labor unions.
9) I have a union job, and I probably wouldn’t be paid anywhere near where I am now (even if you consider inflation) without unions fighting for better work conditions and higher wages and a 40 hour work week over the last 120 years.