Pro Union Republicans–they do exist

Reagan Supports Unions

“Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost,”       Ronald Reagan

1) A union is one company negotiating a labor contract with another company, government needs to stay out of it.

2) Unions protect employees from the whims of management. 

The question needs to be asked: Why are Democrats considered PRO-LABOR when they are making workers across the United States increasingly weaker by taking away their purchasing power?  MORE

Unions have been responsible for two main things.
First, and most obviously, the creation of the American middle class.
Unions created of the middle class in the 20th Century  So I will be the first to admit that many of our Republican leaders are putting ideology before the lessons of history when it comes to labor unions.

Secondly, I have a union job, and I probably wouldn’t be paid anywhere near where I am now (even if you consider inflation) without unions fighting for better work conditions and higher wages and a 40 hour work week over the last 120 years.   MORE

First, let’s discuss the union busting. Republicans have earned a reputation for union busting and it is fairly deserved. Republican politicians have picked a lot of REALLY stupid battles with labor unions historically. This site is an attempt to end the union busting through education and informing people about the benefits of unions.
1. The tax policies of the Republican Party economically empower workers.
2. The Republican Party’s “business friendly” tax structure creates an environment where employers are more eager to hire workers and compete with one another for the best workers by offering better wages and higher positions.
3. Republicans never want you to be in a position where you have to be on welfare.
4. Republicans realize that buying power is just as important as wages.
5. Unfair union-busting practices will end if union workers begin voting for pro-union Republicans in Republican Primaries.
6. Democrats love to tax. The more they tax the less you get to keep. MORE
7. Democrats want to tax you , they just don’t like to pay the tax themselves. MORE